Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Latest Book in the Bourne series


The Latest book in the Bourne series is the "Bourne Legacy". Written by Eric Lustbader, this purports to be written in the same vein.

However, the touch of Robert Ludlum is missing in this book. Bourne is not anguished by the death of his friends, Conklin and Mo Panov as much as he should. also, he seems out of depth when confronting Khan. In previous books, Bourne is the master of any situation and has outthought Carlos, the master of illogical logic. But here, Bourne cannot even think better than Khan!

Bringing back his own son who is thought dead looks plausible though far fetched, while Conklin's link to the elusive manipulator Spalko and why he wants to frame Jason in the murders is impossibly confusing. Bringing in Chechen rebels and Islamic fundamentalists is only an attempt to go "along with the times" - taking headlines of what constitutes terrorism today and integrating into the plot.

Finally, where are Bourne's myriad skills - like being able to count bullets fired, his expertise in martial arts, his sixth sense in dark places?

Overall, not very satisfying compared to the earlier books. Way to go, Lustbader.
